Seven Study Findings on the Effects of Medicaid Expansion

  1. Large increases in prescriptions filled for heart disease
  2. diabetes
  3. mental health conditions
  4. and other chronic conditions.
  5. Large increases in the share of low-income adults getting regular check-ups and other preventive care
  6. and large decreases in the share without a personal physician or usual source of care.
  7. Large decreases in the share of low-income adults skipping medications due to cost.
  8. Decreases in the share of low-income adults screening positive for depression.
  9. An increase in the share of people getting surgical care consistent with clinical guidelines
  10. for example less invasive surgical techniques where feasible.
  11. Increases in cancer screenings and early-stage cancer diagnoses.
  12. A decrease in one-year mortality rates for patients diagnosed with end-stage renal disease.

Source: Medicaid Expansion Has Saved at Least 19,000 Lives, New Research Finds Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, November 6, 2019 -…